You Don’t Have To Suffer: How You Can Manage Your Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant condition that result in daily pain and other effects on your life. When a hemorrhoid arises, the pain will be unbearable and a constant reminder of the affliction. As you will see from the information provided in this article, there is a lot to learn about the difficult condition of hemorrhoids.
Good hygiene routines in the bathroom will assist in lowering your odds of getting hemorrhoids. Use soft toilet paper that does not leave paper or residue behind, and use moist wipes after every bowel movement.
Try to take Rutin if you have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be caused by weak blood vessels. You need the flavonoid Rutin to aid your body in taking in Vitamin C and strengthening your blood vessels. It is most commonly found in vegetables, such as onions and broccoli, as well as in citrus fruits. If taking a supplement, the optimal dose is 500mg once per day.
You may not know it, but you may be able to find all-natural hemorrhoid treatments right in your own kitchen. An ice pack, for one, is an easy solution. Applying ice to the area greatly reduces the localized pain. When applied to the affected area, ice packs will lower the build up of your hemorrhoids.
Alternating ice and heat is a good way to treat hemorrhoids at home. This one-two punch of ice and heat reduces the size of the hemorrhoid and speeds the healing process. Each day as needed, apply an icy cold pack to the problem area for ten minutes then, following that cold pack treatment, apply a warm, moist heat pack for twenty minutes.
Hemorrhoids can be itchy, and drive you crazy. It’s important to resist the powerful need to scratch them, which can cause them to bleed. A torn hemorrhoid can be very painful, and can lead to a serious bacterial infection.
Now that you have gained some insight into the prevention, treatment and relief from the pain of internal and external hemorrhoids, you are sure to be more comfortable seeking relief should you come across the condition at a later point in time. This information can help you deal with the issue.