Using Your IPad And Get The Most Of It

iPads are full of technology. That said, just using an iPad doesn’t mean that you are aware of all the things it can do. Keep on reading to get more out of your iPad.

The iPad’s iOS supports folders now. Just tap an app and hold it until it wiggles, then drag it over the app you wish to pair it with. Doing this will create a new folder, and inside you will be able to access either app, and it will automatically be named by category. Then, you can rename the folder.

Unless you have a lot of time to recharge your iPad, avoid using an iPhone charger. All iPhone chargers uses only 5 watts, while an iPad charger uses 10 watts. Charging with the incorrect charger will delay the charge time. Just use the original charger that was given with the iPad.

Want a manual for your iPad? You’ll have to download it. Apple has a minimalist approach towards their products.

If you would like to include your Google Calender on your iPad’s calender app, go to mail, then contacts and then calenders. Navigate to Add An Account, and then tap Other. Select Add CalDAV Account and then insert your Google credentials. Then, back out of your settings app and single-tap your calendar app. All of the information from your Google Calendar should now be at your fingertips.

Everyone should know how to best take care of their very valuable iPad. One crucial tip is to never leave your iPad in a place that could cause it to succumb to extreme weather conditions. The heat will degrade a battery’s performance. Keeping your iPad away from water is rule number two. You should also get a quality padded cover to protect your iPad from shocks and dust.

The number of things that you can do with an iPad are endless. This is able to be used by everyone in the family. If you’re an iPad owner, find out how to properly care for it and what you can do with it. The iPad is a powerful tool that can benefit you greatly.

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