Helpful Advice For Arthritis Sufferers To Follow

If you or a loved one is experiencing a poor quality of life due to arthritis pain, you may be wondering what can be done about it. Luckily, this article contains some handpicked tips and advice that will give you an insight into arthritis and the effects it can have on a person’s life.

Always get enough sleep if you have arthritis. The pain will be worse if you feel exhausted. Try to get eight hours of sleep everyday at the very least, or ten hours on more stressful days. Your body will benefit greatly from sleep.

Use heat and cold alternately. When joints are particularly painful, going back and forth between heat-packs and cold compresses can reduce swelling and ease pain, as well. Though they may be soothing at the moment, you can end up with long-term problems with over-use of ice and heat. Try no more than two times a day.

Taking a long warm bath before bed is a great way to help you to sleep easier, and can also alleviate some of the pain. You can fall asleep faster and stay asleep better if you have done this method, which will ease arthritis pain.

If you are a chronic arthritis sufferer, you should be aware that you are legally able to park in handicapped spaces. Do away with the pain of long treks across parking lots by taking a designated space at the front.

Narcotic pain relievers should not be the first line of treatment for arthritis pain. You might end up addicted to this medication and the pain will always come back. Pain killers have their place, but make sure to only use them as prescribed by your doctor. Look for other methods that can help with pain without the use of medication.

As this article has shown, there are a number of things that can help you to deal with arthritis pain. Understanding how to manage your symptoms is important; however, the resolve to apply the methods shown here is the most important thing to have. Even though you have arthritis, you can live a very enjoyable life by using coping mechanisms.

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